A bit of fun with base64 encoded macros in Libreoffice. Read  Libreoffice macros first to get the basics of macro based malware :)

So, we all know it's stupid to open a document with unknown macros right..?. Today we're gonna have some fun with malicious macros in Libreoffice writer, just to show the concept of malware loaders in Libreoffice macros, so come on in and have a bit of fun :)

Bought an alarmsystem a while ago, and thought I would play with it a bit, to see how bad it actually is. Let's say, so far, I'm not impressed.
If you want to try this out for yourself, you would need the alarmsystem, and a Proxmark3, if you got that covered, dig in for some alarmsystem fun :)

Today we're going to play hide and seek in Linux land. If you've read the article Sliver C2 and played with it a bit, you've found out that the processes can be seen by normal users. If not, I'm going to walk you through looking for malware processes, and how to hide them the ol' fashion way, so you should be in for some weekend fun..

So, if you've read Applescript trojan in PDF files and Applescript - detour to root, time for some more fun. There's really no use if we can't have a persistent payload, so let's talk about that..
