So, what is pwncat-cs ?

It's a netcat like tool, but with a twist. It's both a NetCat implementation, but also a small C2 system, much like Sliver is, so it's worth to know a bit about it. This is just a small introduction to i, i highly suggest you play around with to get to know it. But let's just jump right in. For this you'll need a Kali workstation, Python3 and pip set up.

So, today we're going to be playing with a inventory system called GLPI, and a plugin called FusionInventory. It's an inventory and case management / support ticket system.
Note, I won't be going over all the details here, because it's quite a large system, it's only the basics to get it up and running on a Debian server, and installing the Windows client, to inventory Windows machines.

For this you would need a Debian webserver with MySQL, PHP and Apache installed, and someĀ  php-extensions for getting GLPI up and running.

A couple of persistence methods on Linux, This time we're picking on APT and bashrc :)

A quick fast-track solution to install Signal IM on Kali / Debian.

A quick look at Sparrows Check Pins security pins
