So, there's an audio error when upgrading Kali 2022.3.
after an upgrade on my laptop, a Thinkpad T14, all shortcuts for audio, audio itself, and bluetooth audio stopped working.
Here's a quick fix for both..

The package causing problems is pipewire-pulse, so check if it's installed.

apt list --installed | grep pipewire-pulse

If it is, it will return a status of installed, if not, it will return no output. BUT, if you're running 386 repos, check for pipeire-pulse:i386 also.
If it's found, delete it.

apt purge --autoremove pipewire-pulse

Now, the problem is that it will  be back on the next upgrade, so set it on hold, using apt-mark.

apt-mark hold pipewire-pulse
apt-mark hold pipeire-pulse:i386

Now check that it's held back like it should be.

apt-mark showhold


And reboot the machine and check audio is working again.

Now, for bluetooth, install everything you need

apt install bluetooth bluez bluez-tools rfkill blueman

Start bluetooth service

systemctl start bluetooth

Now you should get th bluetooth applet in your desktop, and can pair, connect and disconnect devices from there :)

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