So, just a short piece on using spoofed SSL certificates with Metasploit and Meterpreter payloads.

Why use spoofed certs ? Because they help us evade some of the security features in Windws, especially when meterpreter stages loads, if we don't encrypt the stage loader, AV will catch us and it's game over. And it's not complicated to to, so we might as well do it. This is a fast track solution, not a walktrough on on using the Metasploit Framework, since it's rather large and pretty complicated, so it's best suited for a theme series..

Got to look at shellcode laoders tonight, and found a tool called PEzor, and it looks like it goes with most types of shellcode, so it's worth playing around with. It's an encrypted shellcode loader, so what does it do ?
It can take something like the Sliver payloads, read the shellcode, and insert them into an encrypted loader that can bypass AV & EDR, all in an easy package.

So, okay i finally got done with YPServ / NIS, and it's just as unsecure as it has always been, so let's look at it.

So, what on earth is Kali Unkaputtbar ?. It's a function that installs an automatic snapshot function in Kali. It simply makes a new automatic snapshot on boot, and one before and after an apt command is run, so if updates / installs don't work, you can roll back to  previous config.
Now, It's not fully automated, the rollback is manual, but simple enough to do, and cleaning up snapshots is pretty simple too.

But it does take some terminal tapdancing, so be warned. If the thought of the terminal scares you, this feature is not for you :)

So, today we're gonna play with some old school password hash cracking on linux systems. We need a modern Linux, and John The Ripper installed,
Now, this is just to show some basics, to keep it short, I suggest you make a wordlist fiile, with the password, to cut down on cracking time.
