Some more homework, a sha256 cracker in Python.

# SHA256 cracker

from pwn import *
import sys

#pass data in from commandline

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
	print("Invalid arguments")
	print(">> {} <sha256sum>".format(sys.argv[0]))

wanted_hash = sys.argv[1]
password_file = "shawords.txt"
attempts = 0

with log.progress("Attempting to crack: {}!\n".format(wanted_hash)) as p:
	with open(password_file, "r", encoding='latin-1') as password_list:
		for password in password_list:
			password = password.strip("\n").encode('latin-1')
			password_hash = sha256sumhex(password)
			p.status("[{}] {} == {}".format(attempts, password.decode('latin-1'), password_hash))
			if password_hash == wanted_hash:
				p.success("Password Hash found after {} attempts! {} hashes to {}!".format(attempts, password.decode('latin-1'), password_hash))
			attempts += 1
		p.failure("Password NOT found !") 

Again, this requires pwntools libray.

Make a password fil, with ordinary passwrods, one pr line, adjust the password_file variable, and make a test password you know is in the file, by echoing it through sha256sum, like so.

echo -ne python | sha256sum

That spits out a sha356sum of the test password, so simply run the cracker, like this

python3 loooong-sha256-sum-goes-here

Have fun :)

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