So, why VM Build scripts, and not real build scripts (as in building ISO's )?
Because building ISO's takes time, and if you're gonna run it in a VM like VirtualBox, then why not save some time :)

For building real iso's, go read Custom Kali desktop build - chapter one and Custom Kali desktop build - chapter two

But, let's have a look at OffSecs VM build scripts.

First, you'll need a Kali machine, and VirtualBox, or some other VM, here it's VBox.

First install it / GIT Clone it

sudo apt install git

git clone

cd kali-vm/

Now, install some dependencies

sudo apt install debos p7zip qemu-utils zerofree

Now, let's talk switches for the build script for a bit.

./ -h
Usage: [<option>...] [-- <debos option>...]

Build a Kali Linux OS image.

Build options:
  -a ARCH     Build an image for this architecture, default: amd64
              Supported values: amd64 i386
  -b BRANCH   Kali branch used to build the image, default: kali-rolling
              Supported values: kali-dev kali-last-snapshot kali-rolling
  -f FORMAT   Format to export the image to, default depends on the VARIANT
              Supported values: ova ovf raw qemu virtualbox vmware
  -k          Keep raw disk image and other intermediary build artifacts
  -m MIRROR   Mirror used to build the image, default:
  -r ROOTFS   Rootfs to use to build the image, default: none
  -s SIZE     Size of the disk image in GB, default: 80
  -v VARIANT  Variant of image to build (see below for details), default: generic
              Supported values: generic qemu rootfs virtualbox vmware
  -z          Zip images and metadata files after the build

Customization options:
  -D DESKTOP  Desktop environment installed in the image, default: xfce
              Supported values: e17 gnome i3 kde lxde mate none xfce
  -L LOCALE   Set locale, default: en_US.UTF-8
  -P PACKAGES Install extra packages (comma/space separated list)
  -T TOOLSET  The selection of tools to include in the image, default: default
              Supported values: default everything headless large none
  -U USERPASS Username and password, separated by a colon, default: kali:kali
  -Z TIMEZONE Set timezone, default: US/Eastern

The different variants of images are:
  generic     Image with all virtualization support pre-installed, default format: raw
  qemu        Image with QEMU and SPICE guest agents pre-installed, default format: qemu
  rootfs      Not an image, a root filesystem (no bootloader/kernel), packed in a .tar.gz
  virtualbox  Image with VirtualBox guest utilities pre-installed, default format: virtualbox
  vmware      Image with Open VM Tools pre-installed, default format: vmware

The different formats are:
  ova         streamOptimized VMDK disk image, OVF metadata file, packed in a OVA archive
  ovf         monolithicSparse VMDK disk image, OVF metadata file
  raw         sparse disk image, no metadata
  qemu        QCOW2 disk image, no metadata
  virtualbox  VDI disk image, .vbox metadata file
  vmware      2GbMaxExtentSparse VMDK disk image, VMX metadata file

Supported environment variables:
  http_proxy  HTTP proxy URL, refer to the README for more details.

Refer to the README for examples.

These are the switches / parameters for the build script, so what do we need. It depends on what we want,

./ -v virtualbox -s 150 -T everything

#Choose VirtualBox format, disk 150 GB, and type everything (All tools)

This is the generic way, but I would go for something like this

./ -b kali-rolling -v virtualbox -s 150 -T default -D mate

And maybe thow in a -U kali:kali for setting the user and password to kali:kali, and since I'm not a native english speaker, I would problably set locale and timezone also ;)

The advantage of this is that building these images is fast, even on a laptop, so to build a test system, as a base for a custom VM takes no time, and is much faster than building a real ISO made for installation.
At least if you want a custom ISO, that takes time. A way to shorten build time and effort when it comes to install ISO's is taking the time to do it by hand the first time, and then write a good build script for repeating the process, so I highly recommend learning to write build scripts for ISO's also :)

Much Happy Hacking :)

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