First, sorry for not updating in a while, been busy with life outside a screen for a while :)
But, this time, it's a simple test script for Flipper Zero for Linux desktop machines.

The only thing it does, is sending all keyboard characters, to see if they are as they should be.
This is for a danish keyboard, adjust for your locale keyboard :)

Today we're gonna be talking about hardware, Flipper Zero. It's a small gadget, but with a lot of stuff stuffed into a tiny package, so it's worth taking a look at.
So, let's dive in..

So, why VM Build scripts, and not real build scripts (as in building ISO's )?
Because building ISO's takes time, and if you're gonna run it in a VM like VirtualBox, then why not save some time :)

For building real iso's, go read Custom Kali desktop build - chapter one and Custom Kali desktop build - chapter two

But, let's have a look at OffSecs VM build scripts.

So, I thought it was about time for some quick fun with Mifare Classic 1k cards, and how to crack them.
Now, there's some hardware requirements for this, either you would need a Proxmark3, and a extended mifare key dictionary, or you could use something else, like a Flipper Zero.
But, also some patience, and a target key fob, card or something like it, based on Mifare Classic. (Yes, it could be an old hotel access card, public transportation card and so on..)

A small article on hcxdumptool wifi hacking. But first read these Basic WEP cracking, Half-Handshake WIFI cracking, Basic WPA cracking, Wifi security

If you're done reading, then let's try something else. There's another way to look for vulnerable routers, and that's using a tool called hcxdumptool. Normally we need a client on the network, we need to deauth them, and then get the keyfile, We then try to crack the keyfile using bruteforce or dictionary based attacks. But, if the router is vulnerable to this attack, we simply just have to walk by the building, get the key material, clean it, and then try to crack it. It only works on wpa-psk and wpa2-psk, not on RADIUS based networks.
